
How To Use A Heat Gun To Remove Paint

What's Coming Upwards on This Folio

Why Use Rut Gun to Remove Paint?
The Best Estrus Gun for Paint Stripping
How to Apply a Oestrus Gun to Strip Pigment
Top X Estrus Gun Paint Removal Tips
How to Strip Paint With a Rut Gun Conclusion
Using Heat Gun to Remove Pigment FAQs

Why Use Heat Gun to Remove Paint?

As the saying goes, there's more 1 way to skin a cat. And the same applies to removing pigment.

For an in-depth comparing of the different methods (of stripping pigment, not skinning cats), check out my article on how to remove pigment from wood. However, in brief, here's how they measure up:

Oestrus Gun vs Chemical Paint Remover

Perhaps the greatest reward a estrus gun has over liquid strippers is the cost. A typical 500 ml bottle is priced effectually $fifteen — about the same equally a upkeep hot air machine. These one-half-liter bottles are sufficient for just six square feet of awarding — as opposed to a heat gun that will keep on going, as long every bit you have access to a power supply.


Heat Gun vs Sanding

Using sandpaper to remove old paint is mind-numbingly boring, fourth dimension-intensive, and seriously hard work. These issues are further exacerbated if y'all're tackling numerous layers of years-old paintwork. And — unless you've been completing 20 kg bicep curls downward at the gym — your efforts will exist fruitless.

Admittedly, you can buy an electric sander to make the job easier. However, while they're incredible at smoothing woods, they're disappointing for paint removal. The upshot is, as the paint heats up and melts under the friction of the sander, information technology clogs up the sanding belt — pregnant you have to frequently replace it — costing you more than hard-earned dollars.

Rut Gun Vs Planer

A planer tin can exist a more rapid manner to remove paint than a estrus gun. However, the result is that it doesn't just strip the gloss — but also the forest. This tin can consequence in uneven surfaces where you've become a little too enthusiastic with the planer.

Furthermore, they're useless for molded, ridged, or embossed surfaces — and then y'all can forget nigh addressing chair legs, baseboards, architraves, etc. Conversely, a heat gun tin tackle whatever surface shape.


The All-time Rut Gun for Paint Stripping

With an absolute multitude of oestrus guns on the market — it can initially appear a daunting task, trying to select the ideal machine.

To make the process easier, you lot tin check out the ultimate hot air units for pigment removal hither. Simply, by and large speaking, yous need a gun that:

  • Has a minimum temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Is a standard (hairdryer) sized unit.
  • Possesses a string length of at least six feet.

However, some heat guns boast boosted characteristics that can increase the flexibility of the unit, such as:

  • Additional nozzles — allowing y'all to redirect the focus of the heat.
  • Multiple fan speeds — enabling you to change the rut intensity.
  • LCD screen — digital guns let for more than precise temperature control

If you will only be intermittently stripping paint, and mainly from manifestly forest, you lot won't need these additional features. Even so, should you be dealing with multiple base materials and/or tackling intricate work — they tin can be a welcome aid.

How to Utilize a Rut Gun to Strip Paint

Chances are, you will be using your hot air machine to remove paint from wood surfaces. Hence, the process I've outlined beneath is angled toward this application.

However, in that location may be occasions where y'all're working with other base materials. That being the case, I've also included a short section on tackling paint on plastics, brickwork and metal — where the techniques slightly differ.

Ok, downward to business — allow's strip!

What You lot Need to Remove Paint From Wood With Heat Gun

Before beginning, check you have all the post-obit equipment readily at hand.

Trust me, in that location's nothing more than annoying than having to keep switching your hot air gun on and off — and then waiting for information technology to reheat — as yous disappear to find an extra tool.

  • Heat gun.
  • Paint scraper.
  • Sandpaper
  • Steel wool.
  • Sponge.
  • Old towel or rag.
  • White spirit.
  • Warm water.
  • Detergent.
  • Plastic sheeting or sometime blanket.
  • Respirator mask.
  • Goggles or protective glasses.

Listen up.

This is a guide — not instructions that have to be followed to the letter of the alphabet. By all ways, adapt my advice to accommodate your particular circumstances. However, there is ane matter I accept to stress and is imperative yous follow:

Always wear rubber equipment.

At the very minimum, this should include protective eyewear and a respirator mask. You seriously don't want hot flakes of pigment flight into your eyes, and the mask prevents inhalation of airborne paint particles and any concomitant gases or smoke.

Which brings me to the outset pace of using a rut gun to remove pigment.


The Lead Examination

If your dwelling was built before 1978, your woodwork could be covered in pb-based paint. Similarly, if you have antique piece of furniture, this may likewise have a coating that contains this metal.

As long equally the pigment isn't disturbed, this isn't an issue. However, when it's scraped, sanded, or heated, this can create lead dust — which is hazardous.

  • If inhaled, this can cause:
  • Kidney damage.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Damage to a fetus.
  • High claret pressure.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Lack of coordination.
  • Joint pain.
  • Memory problems.
  • Muscle pain.

YouTube video

Rather icky and unpleasant, right? So, if you have whatever suspicions that you may take atomic number 82 paint in your business firm — information technology's crucial that you have the textile tested before using a heat gun for paint stripping.

There are three methods:

Abode Exam

You tin can purchase off-the-shelf lead testers from most DIY stores or you can purchase it from Amazon. Typically, you rub a swab over the pigment — which changes color, depending on whether this metallic is nowadays or not. The issue is, they can but examination the surface layer — not numerous coasts beneath.

Mail Test

This is a more accurate test, as it can detect atomic number 82 in multiple coats of paint. Commonly, you remove a two-inch square of all pigment layers with a utility knife (while wearing your mask) and mail it to a laboratory. The EPA (the United states of america Environmental Protection Agency) has a list of certified testing facilities.

Dwelling Visit

Most U.s. states have certified inspectors who will visit your abode and cheque for the presence of lead. This can exist the nigh cost-effective option if you're planning on repainting your whole house — equally opposed to, say, just one door.

If, through any of the higher up methods, atomic number 82 is establish to exist in the paint, the EPA recommends you employ the services of a professional person to remove information technology.


Preparation for Using a Rut Gun to Remove Paint

I know, the boring flake. All you want to exercise is fissure on and wield your heat gun similar a fellow member of Space Force. But, making adequate preparations for stripping pigment with a oestrus gun leads to less mess, increases safety, and ensures a more impressive finish.

  1. If the particular to be stripped is indoors, movement it outside wherever possible. If non, the next all-time location is an expansive workspace, such as a garage with adequate ventilation. This is adequately simple to exercise if you're working on a door or table — but, naturally, incommunicable with fittings such as banister rails or baseboards.Wherever you're working, but especially if you need to strip indoors, cover the flooring with a plastic sheet or similar. It saves a lot of cleaning upwards time after — and prevents your partner from moaning about paint flakes in the prized Persian rug.
  2. Clean the wood with warm water, a sponge, and some general household detergent. I know, this sounds weird. After all, in a few minutes, you're going to be blasting it with over 500 degrees of heat. But, residual dust and detritus can burn — creating rather unpleasant smoke and possibly causing your forest to scorch.Once cleaned, dry out the area with an old towel or clean rag.
  3. When using heat guns for paint stripping, yous can achieve the best results if you have a choice of nozzles. For flat and expansive areas, fit a flared (fishtail) blazon — and for intricate moldings, a concentrator (conical) end is best. Select the most suitable zipper for your project and fit it to your machine. If your unit of measurement wasn't supplied complete with a variety of nozzles, these can exist purchased separately.
  4. Switch on the heat gun. If your detail machine has a variable temperature control, initially set it to around 500-600 degrees Fahrenheit. Older paint and/or multiple layers may require a higher power level — merely don't become hell for leather to commencement off with — you can always heighten the temperature later.Many college-end hot air units have a stand, allowing y'all to put downward the machine while information technology achieves the optimum estrus level. All the same, ensure it'southward not pointing toward your partner's new drapes, sleeping cat, or that box of fireworks you've saved for the Fourth of July.
  5. Put on your safe equipment — at the very to the lowest degree, use a respirator mask and eyewear. For actress protection, don a flameproof boiler suit and heat-resistant gloves.

Using Heat Gun to Remove Paint From Woods — The Method

  1. Wield the estrus gun in your non-dominant mitt and the pigment scraper in the other mitt. Agree the hot air machine approximately three inches abroad from the paint's surface and slowly motility back and forth, covering an area of effectually four-5 inches at time.After a few seconds, the paint should brainstorm to bubble and blister. If it doesn't, increase the heat setting by around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have a dual temperature unit, change to the highest temperature — just pull the gun back to most six inches away from the material.When using a paint stripper heat gun, always ensure that y'all keep information technology moving — otherwise, you may burn the base of operations woods.
  2. Every bit the paint begins to bubble, begin to remove information technology with your scraper — moving in the management of the grain — while still applying heat. A triangular blade is best for detailed areas, whereas a straight edge, such as a putty knife, is more beneficial for flat surfaces. Follow, where possible, the direction of the wood grain.When you strip paint with oestrus gun, be careful not to gouge into the wood with your scraper. You should utilize effectually the same amount of pressure level equally if you lot were buttering a piece of bread. If the paint is being stubborn — reapply the heat.


  1. Once you finished that five-inch area — motility onto the side by side and keep with the above method. Don't worry if you're left with a few remainder dots of pigment — y'all will accost them soon. Otherwise, you run the risk of called-for the wood for the sake of a small spot of colour.
  2. After you take removed the bulk of pigment, turn off your oestrus gun. Place it in a safe location (on its stand if it has one) while information technology cools, away from any flammable materials.
  3. Utilise the steel wool to have off any remaining spots. Then, gently rub down the bare wood with fine-course sandpaper, to prepare for repainting or varnishing. Every bit a terminal footstep, clean the surface with a rag and white spirit, to create a dust-gratis base material.

Using a Heat Gun for Stripping Paint on Other Materials

The procedure for removing pigment from materials other than wood is generally the same — although are a few considerations to take into account.

Remove Paint From Brick with Heat Gun

There are a multitude of reasons why you may want to have paint off bricks — from accidental spillages, abusive graffiti from your neighbour considering you didn't return his lawnmower, or simply a paintwork trend that has gone out of fashion.

A rut gun will help — simply I accept to warn you — it's challenging.

There are three chief issues:

  • Bricks are porous — then the paint oozes into the material itself, information technology'southward not just sitting on the surface as it does with wood.
  • Normally, brick paint is water-based — this means it doesn't blister, making it tougher to remove.
  • Bricks are made from clay and sand — which tin fissure and scrap with excessive estrus.

Then, you lot demand time, patience, and relatively low oestrus.

Start with the temperature on your estrus gun no greater than 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Equally the pigment volition most likely be h2o-based latex, it will soften, non bubble. Hence, you demand to be a little more aggressive with the scraper than you do on woodwork. Endeavor to use a plastic blade with rounded edges — which is less probable to gouge into the brick.

If you're planning on repainting, thoroughly make clean the brickwork subsequently y'all've stripped. This is necessary considering you'll undoubtedly have masses of dust and flakes, that will otherwise ruin your new coat.


Using a Heat Gun to Strip Paint From Plastic

Unless you lot have a unit of measurement with a low-temperature facility, such as the HT4500 Wagner paint stripping heat gun — I would suggest you steer clear of this application.

Many hot air machines are designed to melt plastic — allowing yous to both weld and mold this material. It may be a not bad idea to strip your machine's rear spoiler for some custom paintwork — but non when information technology turns into a molten mess of sludge when you oestrus it upwardly.

However, if you exercise decide to go down this route, prepare your rut gun to a temperature no greater than 150 degrees Fahrenheit, to prevent damaging the plastic. This may nonetheless be insufficient to soften the paint though.

Hence, it may be worth considering sanding, or using a chemical remover instead (although check with the manufacturer that it's suitable for plastic before you begin).

Stripping Paint With Heat Gun on Metal

Removing pigment from metal with a heat gun is relatively simple — it bubbles rapidly, comes off in satisfyingly large pieces, and leaves behind less residue than on wood.

However, precise temperature control is crucial.

Metal warms upward faster — and retains estrus longer — than wood. This means yous don't require such a hot setting. Start at around 350 degrees Fahrenheit and just increase the temperature if it doesn't cause the paint to cicatrice.

Likewise much oestrus tin impairment metal — especially softer varieties, such as aluminum. They can tarnish, which will prove through your new paintwork. Additionally, ensure you use a rut-proof plastic scraper — not metal — to reduce the run a risk of scratches.

Top Ten Heat Gun Paint Removal Tips

Here are my top hacks for the ultimate heat gun pigment removal:

  • Gear up, set, prepare!
  • Start with a temperature no higher than 500 degrees Fahrenheit (less on plastic).
  • E'er article of clothing protective safe equipment.
  • Piece of work in a well-ventilated expanse — preferably outdoors.
  • Continue the gun moving continually.
  • Employ a triangular scraper on intricate moldings.
  • Oestrus the paint from a distance of three inches.
  • Don't worry almost stubborn flecks — address these afterwards with steel wool.
  • When working with wood, scrape in the direction of the grain.
  • Perform a lead test on paintwork if information technology may have been nowadays before 1978.

Using Heat Gun to Remove Paint FAQs

Q: Tin can I Use a Oestrus Gun to Strip Gloss Pigment?

Yeah! You can use heat guns to remove paint of all types. It'due south most effective on oil-based forms — of which gloss is ane example.

Q: Is Removing Paint With a Heat Gun Dangerous?

While you demand to take some precautions, there'southward no reason that heat gun stripping pigment should be chancy.

Never leave the gun unattended, always wear protective wearable, and ensure that the paint is free from pb.

Q: Can a Rut Gun Strip Pigment?

Aye. A heat gun is i of the best ways to remove old pigment — being more toll-effective than a chemical stripper, and less labor-intensive than sanding.

Q: Can I Use a Hair Dryer to Strip Paint?

Yous can try — just it's unlikely to have any significant effect.

Hairdryers don't reach a sufficiently high temperature to soften paint. Furthermore, they don't focus the heat delivery in the same way that a heat gun can. All you will find is that your paintwork becomes pleasantly warm.

Absolutely, it may make inherently soft latex paint slightly easier to remove — merely it will not accept any impact on gloss.

Q: Will a Heat Gun Remove Acrylic Paint?

Yes. Every bit a water-based paint, acrylic volition not bubble or cicatrice like gloss, but it volition soften allowing yous to remove it with a scraper.

However, always consider your base of operations material. Acrylics are typically applied to paper, bill of fare, and plastics — all of which are unsuitable for use with a heat gun as they volition burn or cook.


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