
How To Remove Old Grip Tape From Golf Clubs

Gear Hacks: Consider these 5 tips when regripping your golf clubs

Regripping your clubs can be expensive. Most clubfitters charge somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 to $3 to regrip each club, which is a pretty adept payday for what takes probably two-3 minutes per club to do.

If your grips are feeling worn, slippery or if y'all're looking to try a new style or size, here are 5 tips (plus a bonus!) to consider when it comes time to regrip your clubs. This isn't a step-past-step guide on regripping — for that, hop on YouTube for dozens of how-to videos, including these hither and hither.

Give your old grips the hook.

Stride 1: Remove your former grips with a hook blade

I've been regripping my clubs since I started playing golf game 25 years ago and sheepishly admit that I commonly apply a standard utility knife with snap-off razors blades to get the job done. Since picking up a hook blade though, not only is the procedure infinitely easier (and safer), I've stopped making scratches and gouges on my graphite shafts.

Remove old grip tape before you throw on a new grip.

Step 2: Go rid of old grip tape

Unless past some miracle the tape under your grip is all the same sticky and uniform after removing your old grip, y'all're going to desire to get rid of all the onetime tape completely. Information technology's sometimes the almost tedious and to the lowest degree fun part of the re-gripping process, but Goo-Gone, Goof-Off, rubbing alcohol, etc., all work to help speed up the process. If you happen to have one, a heat gun gets the task done really well, too.

Step three: Choose how much and where to employ grip tape

Equally you can meet by the photo, I'k installing Golf Pride's Tour Velvet Plus 4 grips onto my irons. These grips are called "Plus 4" because the lower hand region of the grip is built thicker to feel as though there are four wraps of tape underneath. Depending on what your preference is, you may want one or several layers of record under your grips, either on the whole grip or the upper or lower areas. For me, even though I'grand using midsized Tour Velvet Plus 4s, I still desire two layers of tape under the whole grip.

Depending on what your preference is, you may want one or several layers of tape under your grips.

Step 4: Make up one's mind how you want that tape applied

Professional clubfitters might scoff at me here, but I happen to like some added texture nether my grips. This is why I opt to use a spiral method of tape installation as y'all can see here (it likewise uses about ¼ less tape.) Aye, I tin can experience those ridges when I put on 2 or more layers, simply it lends more of a wrap feel to my velvet-style grip that I happen to like. If that's not for you, the traditional manner to apply record works but as well. Just be sure to apply information technology the full length of your grip, and cover the butt end completely.

Grip solvent is the right choice, and generally is non-toxic and works well enough.

Step 5: Utilize the right solution

Through the years, I've used the following solutions to help slide new grips on: lighter fluid, mineral spirits, acetone, and grip solvent fabricated by clubfitting supply companies. For me, lighter fluid deactivated the grip tape'southward stickiness the best, and in my experience, evaporates the fastest. Granted, I'm not saying that lighter fluid will work best for everyone, especially if you're working in an area that isn't well ventilated (please, don't torch your garage.) Grip solvent is the correct pick, and generally is non-toxic and works well enough (which I happen to be using this time). I've besides watched some clubfitters employ compressed air to apply grips. That technique works nicely, and the sound it makes is hilarious.  See what I mean here.

Bonus: Don't forget to utilize solvent inside the grip

The best mode to apply grip record solvent is to add it to the inside of the grip starting time. And then, swish it around so it covers the inside completely (the guys in the videos I've linked to to a higher place both do this, so don't miss information technology), then drizzle the solvent out of the grip over the grip record. This both applies solvent to the grip and grip tape, and actually reduces the corporeality of solvent you employ. And prevents the dreaded half-stick grip which near always means you take to cutting it off and start again with a new grip.


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